
Showing posts from April, 2008

Magic Moves

The magic moves of golf. This one puts it together. For me, the key ones are the grip, and of course the four magic moves... in the takeaway at the top in the downswing at impact and follow through.

White Rock



The 2008 Masters Champion, Trevor Immelman, has a very smooth swing. He normally does a couple of practice swings. It's a very good swing thought. "Smooth". I think this is what distinguishes the swing of the pros from the club players. At the driving range today, I lost my rhythm. I remember Immelman's practice swing. That practice swing -- trying to keep it smooth from the backswing to the downswing (especially the transition) to the follow through -- made me get my tempo back. Smooth does it. PS: I noticed that my swing is smoother when the wrists cock near the top of the backswing, not early on. But there is definitely a wrist cock and a feeling of bringing the grip end of the club to the ball. PPS: I was able to avoid pulling my hybrid shots by keeping my spine angle constant through the follow though. Of course, keeping it smooth all the time.

Top Down


Pause at the Top

Specially with irons, pausing at the top of the backswing helps make solid impact. Just a half-second... I learned how crucial this is with pitches and chips, even putts. I guess it's part of having a rhythmic swing. Applies to mid and longer irons too...


Seems being conservative pays off. Aiming for the angle helps provide a better view for the second shot. My previous aim was to cut the corner. I guess this only works for Tiger. No wonder I always tripled these holes -- I'm not a tiger, not even a cub...





Keep Your Spine Angle

c o n s t a n t .