Each culture has its hot buttons. Filipinos have been described as tolerant, friendly, warm, and hospitable, specially by foreigners. I believe this is an apt description of Filipinos at their best -- but touch a hot button, like calling them a nation of servants, mail-order brides, or joke about their medical education and you will see a collective reaction and even an official response from the Philippine embassy. There have been poor souls who bore the brunt of Filipino cyberhate after being falsely accused of writing anti-Filipino blogs or an entry on Facebook implying that Filipinos deserve suffering calamities for their sins. Some say these hot buttons are wired deep. Count three centuries of being called Indios by the Spanish, and then fifty more years of Japanese and American colonialism. When you are subjugated, you bite your tongue when you hear your subjugators' insults and find other ways of getting back at them. One of them is through humor. You make fun of them behind