Driver Aide-Memoire

Here's what works for me.

1. It starts with the grip. For the driver, I grip it in my palm and fingers (Hank Haney). I use a Vardon grip. I align the clubface exactly to the target with a slightly strong grip.

2. The rest of the set-up is standard. I stand farther from the ball than with my hybrids, the ball is positioned just inside the left heel, weight favoring the right leg, right shoulder lower than the left (reverse K).

3. Backswing starts with a low and slow takeaway. The sequence is takeaway, then begin cocking of the wrist halfway back then full shoulder turn (Leadbetter). I feel my weight on my right leg as I complete my shoulder turn.

4. Downswing starts with the weight shift, not with the shoulders. Smooth transition, no jerking. Swing the arms from the inside. Tempo is key for maximum clubhead speed at impact.

5. Keep the left wrist firm and left elbow straight (no chicken wing) at impact.

6. Release after impact by turning the right hand over the left, throwing the arms towards the target (de la Torre method) in the follow through. This will result in a more rounded swing that stays on plane.

Watch the ball go straight a long way.
